Have YOU discovered HT Discover?


Register now!

Discover is a four-week course that introduces new people to HTC and helps them find their place in our church family. A great feature of HT Discover are the special tools that help believers identify their spiritual gifts and find a place to express them.

In the spring semester, Discover will meet on Sunday mornings beginning September 15—RSVP today! (Please note: After September 22, you’ll be best served by waiting for the next session.)

  • In Week One of Discover, you’ll discover your faith—learn what it means to believe.
  • Join us for Week Two and discover your church—find out what it means to belong!
  • In Week Three, you can discover your purpose—see how God made you unique and special.
  • In Week Four of Discover, discover your place—learn to be light and see how you can become a part of our Dream Team.

Still have questions? Contact the Church Office at (203) 531-7778.


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