Water Baptism Class & Baptismal Service Coming Up!


Our next water baptism service will be Sunday, August 30, 2020 in Ossining, New York. We will be baptizing people beginning at 4 PM. If you are planning to be baptized, please attend the baptism class which is taking place that morning, Sunday, August 30 at 10:30 AM on the Lower Level.

You can click here to RSVP: https://bit.ly/HTCBaptismAug20

Feel free to call the Church Office for additional information at (203) 531-7778.

Please note that we will observe the applicable rules issued by New York State concerning social distancing for this event. These include:

  • A limitation of 50 people present at a time. If more than 50 people are present, we may ask you to briefly wait until we can minister to you.
  • Masks and face coverings must be utilized within six feet of other persons.
  • We are also not allowed to hold hands or shake hands with anyone who is not in our household.

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