Coronavirus Precautions at HTC


A Special Message From Pastor Glenn
About Coronavirus Precautions at HTC

Dear HTC Family,

No doubt you have heard the news that the novel COVID-19 virus has arrived in nearby Westchester County.

Based upon the public health information that has been provided, we would like to share the following recommendations for the HTC congregation:

1. Exercise wisdom.
We have been advised that thorough hand washing (at least 20 seconds) is absolutely the most effective means of preventing the spread of Coronavirus. Therefore, when our kids check in for HTC Kids ministries on Sundays and Wednesdays, we will ask them to go immediately into the boys and girls rooms and wash their hands. (Fortunately, the kids check-in locations on both levels are adjacent to dedicated boys and girls restrooms.) Adults are also recommended to wash their hands upon entering the HTC facility.

All of our dream team members – greeters, ushers, hospitality, security, and kids’ ministries – are required to wash their hands upon arrival at HTC and between services.

A professional cleaning service is coming to sanitize the nurseries and kids ministry rooms on Mondays and Fridays, including all toys, furnishings and hard surfaces.

HTC is sanitizing surfaces in our lobbies, sanctuary and restrooms following each use, including door handles and sanctuary arm rests.

We encourage you to follow all safety precautions and guidelines presented by the various authorities and public health agencies. In addition, if you have any underlying health issue that might make you vulnerable to complications from Coronavirus, we encourage you to consult your healthcare provider for further advice.

2. Be considerate.
If you or your children are experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms, we ask that you refrain from attending services, programs, and life groups until you’re certain that you are not contagious. This is the courteous thing to do during any cold and flu season.

In the event you discover that you were in proximity to someone infected with Coronavirus, we ask that you would refrain from attending until you have the “all clear” from your healthcare provider.

As always, HTC livestreams our 11:00 am worship service every Sunday at In the event that you are unable to attend services in person, you can still worship along with us!

3. Pray.
As believers in Jesus, God’s precious promises extend to every area of our lives, including protection over our health. Be sure to start each day asking God to protect you and your loved ones. Let’s also pray for those in our area who have already been infected with Coronavirus, and pray that the Lord will stop the further spread and disruption to daily life in our region.

If you have any questions about the response to Coronavirus at HTC, please feel free to contact the church office by phone, 203.531.7778, or by email to  .

We look forward to seeing you this weekend for the second Sunday of Lent. We will be sharing about Jesus’ second statement from the cross, “Today you will be with me in Paradise.”

Our prayers are with you for the Lord’s protection and peace!

In his love,
Pastor Glenn

For more on COVID-19 and precautions you can take, click here for the Centers of Disease Control's COVID-19 information pages.

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