B3 Expo!

B3 Expo!

March 30, 2025 12:00 am


Check out our Spring Life Groups – a new semester of Life Groups is kicking off on Sunday, March 30! Visit our B3 Expo after each of our services that day to learn about all our groups – get ready to Believe, Belong, and Be Light!

Want to get plugged in to a Life Group today? Start by visiting the Groups page on our website and search for a Group that's right for you!

Life Groups are small gatherings that help you grow in friendship and in faith. Groups meet at different times throughout the week, both at the church and various locations throughout the area. There are study groups, interest groups, prayer groups, and fellowship gatherings available.

You can search on our site by day of the week, location, type of group, and whether childcare is offered. Swing by the Expo after each of our services on March 30 to chat with group leaders and learn more, too.

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