Join us as we enjoy Fire In The Night, a special night of worship and intercession! We begin at 6 PM with a "pre-service" or soaking hour, followed by worship and prayer. Don't...

Join us as we enjoy Fire In The Night, a special night of worship and intercession! We begin at 6 PM with a "pre-service" or soaking hour, followed by worship and prayer. Don't...
Join us for a day of fun on March 29 as we stuff 20,000 eggs with candy for our community of kids! No experience required, just helping hands ready to have a good time. We'll...
Explore and sign up for Spring Life Groups at HTC on March 30
Harvest Time offers two services on Sunday mornings: 9:00 AM and 10:45 AM. Sunday Kids' Schedule: We now offer kids' ministry for all children from nursery up through...
RSVP here Be a part of our newest Harvest Time University course, "Visions of the Christ: Understanding Isaiah!" Writing 700 years before Jesus came, Isaiah had incredible...
Hey guys of HTC! Come out for breakfast on Saturday, April 5, at 8:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. It’ll be a great time with good food, good company, and a little...