Harvest Time Youth

February 11, 2026 7:30 pm



Click here to contact our full-time Youth Pastor, Kurt Kannemeyer!

Be a part of Harvest Time Youth – a thriving and active youth group that’s touching and transforming many dozens of area teens! Weekly meetings are at 7 PM on Wednesday nights.

As society continues to change, teens face more difficult challenges and choices than ever. Most of our long-standing institutions treat morality with such subjectivity that it can be difficult for teens to chart a course to a blessed and fulfilled future. Ps. 119:9 asks, “How shall a young person find the straight path? . . . By obeying God’s Word.”

Directed by our full-time Youth Pastor, our junior and senior high youth groups are especially effective in ministering to our kids through these important formative years. In addition to innovative Bible teaching and opportunities for service, our weekly youth services help teens form supportive friendships that help them resist peer pressure.

One of the highlights of our youth group is our Fine Arts team. Through  contemporary music and theater, our teens have ministered extensively to our congregation and community. Our teens have won several local and regional competitions, and have competed at the National Fine Arts Festival in gatherings of more than 10,000 Christian teens from across the country.

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