Series: Preparing For Great Things
Passage: Judges 6:11-16
Speaker: Pastor Glenn Harvison
Tags: sermon, christian, harvison
There are three things I can do in my own strength:
- Serve: Judges 6:18-24
- Sanctify: 6:25-32
- Sacrifice: 6:18-28
Whom can I serve?
- God’s messengers
- God’s people
- Those in need
How do I serve?
- By offering my time
- By offering my talent
- By offering my best
- By offering out of my own need
What happens when I serve?
- Service deepens my relationship with God because it is a sweet offering to Him.
- Service opens the doorway to supernatural signs and revelation.
- Service is my on-ramp to the highway of destiny.
- Service prepares me to take greater and greater risks because it causes me to “die to self.”