Series: Lessons From The House Of Saul
Passage: 1 Samuel 9:1-10:13
Speaker: Pastor Glenn Harvison
Tags: sermons, christianity, harvison
1. This is a Time of New Vision
“To whom is all the desire of Israel turned if not to you?” 1 Sam 9:20
- It’s time to get your head out of your assets!
- Living words unlock the secret contents of your heart
- Living words positively I.D. you
2. This is a Time of Supernatural Provision
“Here is what has been kept for you . . . It was set aside for you for this time.” 1 Sam 9:24
- “A good portion has been set aside for you for this moment”
- “Your lost assets will be restored”
- “God will give you daily bread until your journey is complete”
3. This is a Time of Inner Transformation
"You will meet a procession of prophets . . . the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you with power and you will be changed into a different person.” 1 Sam 10:5-6
4. This is a Time of New Opportunities for Success
“Do whatever your hand finds to do, for God is with you.” 1 Sam 10:7