Series: Discovering Jesus
Passage: John 1:1-17
Speaker: Pastor Glenn Harvison
Tags: sermon, christianity, harvison, greenwich, connecticut
Discovering Jesus: John 1:1-18
5 Revelations about Jesus:
1. Jesus, the Logos, is eternally pre-existent
- “In the beginning WAS the Word”
- Jesus is eternal
- Jesus is not a created being
- We ARE created beings
2. Jesus, the Logos, is distinct from the Father and bound in intimate fellowship with Him.
- “The Word WAS with God”
- The Father, Son and Holy Spirit exist eternally distinct from one another.
- The three persons of the Godhead are in intimate fellowship with one another.
3. Jesus, the Logos, is God
- "The Word WAS God"
- Jesus is not merely a reflection of God
- Jesus did not BECOME God
- Jesus is the one, true God of everyone
4. Jesus, the Logos, changed His status
- “The Word BECAME flesh and dwelt among us”
- Jesus is not merely a man, He is a God-man
- “His words are not merely the words of a man, His words are the logos of God!
5. Jesus, the Logos, is the only One of His kind!
- “We have seen the glory of the One and Only sent from the Father with grace and truth”
- “At the Name of Jesus, every knee shall bow in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!”
Who do YOU say that I am?