Beyond The Pulpit Episode #20 (January 28, 2025)

January 28, 2025

Series: Beyond The Pulpit

Category: Daily Devotional

Speaker: Pastor Shalyn Guglielmo

Thanks for joining us for the "Beyond The Pulpit" podcast as we read through the Bible together this year! Be here every weekday as we share some thoughts from daily Bible readings that you can find at

The readings for this date are: Exodus 5:22-7:25, Matthew 18:21-19:12, Psalm 23:1-6, Proverbs 5:22-23.

You can also download a PDF of the reading plan here:

Didn't start on January 1st? No worries, it's always good to read God's Word anyway. Just start from whatever day you can and enjoy the readings and our daily conversations.