Be a part of HT Youth - a thriving and active youth group that's touching and transforming many dozens of area teens week by week!
Because of our great growth, more youth sponsors are needed! If you are interested in working as a youth sponsor, please contact the church office.
There are several ways for students to connect throughout the week and build community here at HTY.
Sunday Life Groups at HTC for both High School (Grades 9-11) & Middle School (Grades 6-8) during the 10:45 am service. Our Seniors (Grade 12) will remain in the sanctuary and attend the main service in the Phase 2 sanctuary.
Wednesday Night Youth Group 6:45 pm – 8:30 pm: All students in Grades 6-12 are welcome. Students will gather in small groups to discuss sermon and other topics on a frequent basis during the Wednesday Youth Gathering.
HTY Friday Night Hangouts 7 pm – 9 pm: Happens every Friday (watch our calendar and social media for more info). Location to be determined.
Students can also join several of our HTY groups available. These groups consists of HTY Serve, HTY LIT, HTY Media.
We also offer various other events throughout the month. Follow us on social media to get more info on special events and to keep connected:
@htyouth |
Harvest Time Youth |
Wakanda4vr |
As our society continues to change, teenagers face more difficult challenges and choices than ever. Most of our long-standing institutions treat morality with such subjectivity that it can be difficult for teens to know how to chart a course that will lead to a blessed and fulfilled future. Ps. 119:9 asks, "How shall a young person find the straight path? . . . By obeying God's Word."
Directed by our Youth Pastor, our middle school and high school youth groups are especially effective in ministering to our kids through these important, formative years. In addition to innovative Bible teaching and opportunities for service, our weekly youth services and life groups facilitate supportive friendships that help teens to resist peer pressure.
Using contemporary music and theater techniques, our teens have ministered extensively to our congregation and community. Our teen drama team has won several local and regional competitions, and has competed at the National Fine Arts Festival in gatherings of more than 10,000 Christian teens from across the country.